The number of people going back to their home town for the Lebaran Holiday in 2011 is estimated to increase 7.4% compared to last year. And to anticipate the accidents which are common during these times, The Ministry of Transportation will provide carrier to carry the motorcycles 3 days before the Lebaran Holiday.
“All transportation modes; land, air and sea transportation, are predicted to increase significantly”, said the General Director of Land Transportation, Soeroso Alimoeso, to the reporters during the Lebaran homecoming route inspection in Solo, Wednesday (10/08/2011).
He said that, people who use flight are predicted to increase up to 15%, road traffic 6%, and sea transportation 4%; meanwhile the train is to decrease 5%. Also, homecoming people using motorcycle are predicted to increase, making the traffic prone to accidents.
Soeroyo said that motorcycle is not designed to travel long distances. However, it is difficult to prevent this society’s behavior given that the use of motorcycle is less expensive.“
In special occasions, we provide carrier to carry motorcycles of the homecoming motorists. The riders will then be transported by bus for free. We have established cooperation with several parties for this necessity, including Jasa Raharja and brand holder sole agents.
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